Atlas Defense International Joins Forces with Charities to Deliver Lifesaving Aid to Conflict-Hit Israel


Atlas Defense International Partners with Charitable Organizations to Aid Conflict-Affected Communities in Israel

[Plano, Texas, October 31, 2023] – Atlas Defense International, a leading provider of security and defense solutions, is proud to announce its partnership with The Phoenix Project, Friends of Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, and Capstone Legacy Foundation in a joint effort to provide essential supplies and relief to the people affected by the ongoing conflict in Israel.

The recent conflict in Israel has left many communities in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, including protective equipment to ensure the safety of innocent lives. To address this critical need, Atlas Defense International has joined hands with these charitable organizations to deliver 20,000 much-needed vests and other protective gear to Israel.

“This partnership represents our commitment to stand with America’s allies in times of crisis,” said Isaac Middleton, Global Relations Officer for Atlas Defense International. “We are proud to be part of this crucial mission to save innocent lives and provide aid to those affected by the conflict.”

Friends of Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast leader Albert Veksler declared, “In this critical time of war, we call upon our allies to shoulder the moral responsibility and stand with Israel as we confront the global resurgence of antisemitism. Please join us, like Ruth, declaring, ‘For where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God,’ as we strive for a more peaceful andĀ unitedĀ future.”

To support this vital humanitarian initiative, Atlas Defense International and its charity partners are calling on individuals, organizations, and communities to contribute to this effort. Donations can be made by visiting the dedicated donation page at

Additionally, a video highlighting the importance of this project and the impact of your donations can be viewed here:

Together, we can make a difference and provide essential protection to those in need. Join Atlas Defense International, The Phoenix Foundation, Friends of Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, and Capstone Legacy Foundation in this humanitarian endeavor to make a positive impact during these challenging times.

For more information or media inquiries, please contact:

[email protected]
or 202-774-9089

About Atlas Defense International: Atlas Defense International is a leading provider of security and defense solutions, dedicated to delivering cutting-edge technologies and services to protect and secure communities worldwide. With a strong commitment to supporting humanitarian causes, Atlas Defense International plays a vital role in global crisis response efforts.

The Phoenix Project is an effort by retired military officers to bring their expertise in logistics, humanitarian aid, and fundraising under the umbrella of support for Israel.

About Friends of Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast: Friends of Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast is a nonprofit organization committed to fostering unity, peace, and understanding among nations through praying for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel.

About Capstone Legacy Foundation: Capstone Legacy Foundation is a Christian ministry focused on making a lasting impact by supporting causes that align with its mission of humanitarian service and community development. They partner with like-minded organizations to address pressing global challenges.